The Environmental Impact Of Fast Fashion And How To Reduce It

The Environmental Impact Of Fast Fashion And How To Reduce It

Fast fashion has become a ubiquitous part of today's culture, but at what cost? From the production process to the disposal of the garments, the environmental impact of fast fashion is staggering.

According to the Global Fashion Agenda, the fashion industry accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions, while the production of one cotton T-shirt requires an estimated 2,700 liters of water. With the rise of consumerism and the demand for cheaper and trendier clothes, the negative impact on the planet has become increasingly alarming.

However, there are ways to reduce the environmental impact of fast fashion, from choosing sustainable fabrics, to reducing waste through recycling and upcycling. In this article, we will go over the best ways to reduce the fast fashion trend and shop sustainably.

Choose Organic Or Recycled Fabric

In today's world, choosing clothing made from organic or recycled fabrics has become increasingly important. The French environment agency (ADEME) recommends these types of fabrics as they significantly reduce the impact on the environment.

For instance, using recycled cotton or polyester instead of virgin fabrics can reduce environmental damage by up to 99%. In addition to that, opting for fibers made from natural resources like wood cellulose can also be an excellent alternative.

These sustainable fabrics are not only better for the environment but also for our skin because they are free from harmful chemicals and pesticides that are typically used in traditional manufacturing processes. Overall, choosing organic or recycled fabrics is an informed decision to protect our planet and promote a healthier lifestyle.

Repair Your Clothes Instead Of Buying New Ones

Repairing your clothes is not only a sustainable and eco-friendly approach but also saves you a lot of money in the long run. The global textile industry is the second most polluting industry in the world, accounting for around 10% of global carbon emissions.

The fast-fashion model, where one collection is launched every month, has contributed greatly to this, with consumers buying new clothes more frequently. However, opting for a different approach and fixing your clothes when you notice a minor issue can significantly extend their lifespan.

A missing button or a small hole in your clothes doesn't necessarily mean that you need to throw them away. You can sew a new button or patch the hole, which will not only save you money but also reduce environmental pollution.

Repairing clothes can also offer a sense of satisfaction, as you will have contributed to reducing textile waste. This is why repairing your clothes is a simple yet effective solution that can help address environmental concerns while also benefiting your wallet.

Second-Hand Shops Are Useful

Second-hand shops are more than just a convenient option for individuals seeking to revamp their wardrobe. These shopping destinations, whether brick-and-mortar or web-based, have contributed significantly to reducing waste in the fashion industry.

Every year, the industry generates tons of textile waste, which negatively impacts the environment. Second-hand shops have aided in mitigating this issue by providing an alternative to throwing clothes away.

This also helps reduce the need for new textile production and contributes to conserving natural resources. Purchasing from second-hand stores is not only environmentally conscious but also financially rewarding.

Often, these shops offer quality clothes at a fraction of the price one would find at traditional retail stores. In summary, second-hand shops offer a practical and resourceful way to stay stylish while also reducing one's environmental footprint and saving money.

Choose Locally-Made Clothes

When it comes to choosing clothing, considering where it is made can play a crucial role in promoting ethical and sustainable fashion. While it may be tempting to go for cheaper options made in countries with lower labor costs, it is important to acknowledge the potential negative impact on both people and the planet.

In recent years, numerous cases of human rights violations and environmental degradation have been reported in countries such as Bangladesh and China, where mass production is often prioritized over worker safety and fair wages.

On the other hand, countries like Italy, known for their traditional craftsmanship and high-quality materials, tend to have a better reputation when it comes to social and environmental responsibility.

Opting for locally-made clothing can not only support small businesses and preserve cultural heritage, but also ensure that ethical standards are met throughout the production process. By taking a more conscious approach to fashion, we can contribute to a more sustainable future for everyone.

Choose Transparent Brands

In today's world, choosing a brand with a transparent Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy is more important than ever. By actively promoting eco-friendly practices, such companies are taking responsibility for their role in preserving the environment.

Transparent brands not only provide consumers with detailed information about their sourcing and production processes, but they also invite consumers to engage with them on a deeper level. With clear, actionable CSR policies, such brands make it easier for consumers to choose products that align with their values.

By supporting transparent brands, consumers not only vote with their purchases, but they also contribute to the larger movement towards sustainability. So, when faced with a decision between two brands, it's always a good idea to choose the one with a transparent CSR policy.

Wash Your Clothes Correctly

Taking care of our clothes is important, but it's equally important to wash them correctly and sustainably. Did you know that washing at a high temperature is not necessary to remove dirt stains?

In fact, a washing temperature of 30 to 40°C is enough to clean your clothes effectively. If you're environmentally conscious and want to help reduce plastic waste, you can consider using Tru Earth’s laundry detergent strips.

This advanced laundry detergent comes in the form of tiny, pre-measured strips that pack a high concentration of hypoallergenic cleaning power and are simply added to your washer. The best part is that this detergent takes up less storage space and uses far less plastic than traditional liquid and powder detergents.

So let's take a step towards a more sustainable future and choose the eco-friendly way of washing clothes with Tru Earth’s laundry detergent strips.

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