Laundry Stripping - What Is It

Laundry Stripping - What Is It

Laundry stripping is a popular cleaning method that has recently gained popularity through its viral presence on the Internet. Many professional cleaners have used it for years, and for good reason.

This deep soak method involves adding a few tablespoons of detergent and washing soda to a washing machine full of hot water and then soaking fabrics for several hours or overnight. This step-by-step process is believed to effectively remove residues from clothes that have accumulated over time due to excessive use of fabric softeners, hard water minerals, body oils, and dirt.

If you want to know more about this process, its benefits, and what fabric responds best to this method, continue reading on.

Laundry stripping

What Is Laundry Stripping?

Laundry stripping is a deep cleaning method that has now made a comeback. This process involves soaking laundry in a chemical solution and overnight hot water bath, removing built-up soil, detergent and fabric softener from clothes that are already “clean.”

Stripping laundry often reveals a buildup of detergent and fabric softener on fabric fibers, which can lead to dirt clinging to the cloth. This build-up is easily avoidable by using less detergent and fabric softener when laundering clothing.

However, if you use Tru Earths' laundry detergent strips, you won't need to worry about adding too much of anything because they are pre-measured to perfection. This hypoallergenic laundry detergent formulation is designed to make the chore of washing laundry easier, healthier, more economical, and kinder to the environment.

These strips actively seek out and dislodge dirt molecules and stains, suspending them until they are rinsed away. In addition, they contain quality ingredients that are paraben-free, phosphate-free, free of added dyes, chlorine bleach, and 1,4-dioxane.

Tru Earths' fragrance-free laundry detergent strips

Does Laundry Stripping Work?

Now that you know laundry stripping is effective for breaking down build-up on clothes, it's worth noting that it should be used with caution. The chemical solution consists of Borax, powdered detergent, and washing soda mixed with extra hot water.

This method can be great for removing build-up, but it could also take out dyes and natural oils from fabric. Before using this method, check the item’s care tag and view the laundry symbols, as some fabrics may not be able to handle a hot water soak.

It's important that you learn how to interpret laundry symbols explicitly associated with the material type of your garment before attempting laundry stripping.

Is Laundry Stripping Safe for All of My Laundry?

Laundry stripping is a process used to remove detergent residue, body oils, and minerals that may have built up in textiles. It is not suitable for all fabrics, but it can be quite effective on lighter-colored towels and sheets due to their large size, which is more likely to attract detergent buildup.

Laundry stripping should not be done on the following fabrics or clothing:

  • Darker fabrics: When laundry stripping is done, hot water is used. This in turn, can cause dyes to run and your dark fabrics to lose color.
  • Athletic wear: Spandex is the most used fabric in most workout clothes. Spandex is incredibly sensitive to the pH in laundry stripping solutions. Because of their sensitivity, these clothing items will degrade and be damaged over time.
  • Wool: This type of material contains lanolin, which is known as a natural oil necessary for its fiber protection. When laundry stripping is done, this oil is stripped away, causing the fibers in wool to be damaged and worn.
  • Clothes normally washed in cold water: If you check your clothes care labels and the laundry symbols state they must only be washed in cold water, you should refrain from stripping them.Is Laundry Stripping Safe for All of My Laundry

How Often Should I Strip My Laundry?

Stripping fabrics can be an effective way to remove build-up that accumulates over time, but it should be used sparingly. Washing in hot water with the right amount of detergent and other products like fabric softener and detergent boosters will help prevent accumulation in the first place.

The best way to determine if a fabric needs stripping is by feeling it; if it has a sticky or stiff texture and/or white sheets look dingy or smell stale, then these may be signs that they need to be stripped. Stripping clothes should only take place when necessary so as not to damage the fabric, and regular washing should help keep fabrics fresh.

How To Avoid Build-Up On Clothing?

Sure, laundry stripping is beneficial, but your clothes will sometimes pay the price. There are ways that build-up can be avoided, however.

  • Reduce the amount of detergent and fabric softener you use when washing clothes. Check the bottle for instructions on how much to use, and try not to use too much detergent.
  • Add an additional rinse cycle to your wash cycle. This will help ensure that all detergent and fabric softener is washed away and any remaining dirt is rinsed out of clothing.
  • Refrain from mixing detergent and fabric softener together in the same load; this can create a sludge-like substance that sticks to clothes, making them dingy-looking. If you do need to add fabric softener, only do so during the final rinse cycle.
  • Avoid using fabric softeners when washing towels or workout clothes; it can make them less absorbent and stiffer than usual.
  • Do not overfill your washer; having too many items in one wash load can lead to inadequate rinsing, meaning some of the detergents might remain on your clothing instead of being completely washed away. Aim for at most 3/4 full loads in order to get a thorough rinse every time.
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